Feedback for scottfamily
scottfamily's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for scottfamily
Comment after zealous sold #209376 to scottfamily
Thanks again for your purchase. Excellent customer.Comment after emmageorge sold #152733 to scottfamily
many thanks again! hope your little person is enjoying wearing the skirt :)Comment after emmageorge sold #150825 to scottfamily
thankyou so much for choosing emma george :)Comment after zealous sold #159759 to scottfamily
Quick to contact and pay. Lovely and friendly. Thanks for your support.Comment after fortyfive sold #113655 to scottfamily
Thanks for your order! The cards are in the post today. Enjoy!Comment after fortyfive sold #113654 to scottfamily
Thanks for your order! The cards are in the post today. Enjoy!Comment after fortyfive sold #113653 to scottfamily
Thanks for your order! The cards are in the post today. Enjoy!Comment after twinkandcobb sold #94324 to scottfamily
A really lovely, easy trade. Prompt payment and great communication.Thank you!