Feedback for salvagesister
salvagesister's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for salvagesister
Comment after sashajc89 bought #64830 from salvagesister
First Vinyl bowl unfortunately arrived cracked. I contacted Seller, who immediately replied and sent a replacement free of charge.Great seller, great contact, would purchase from again.
Comment after juku bought #81439 from salvagesister
Awesome earrings and super fast delivery! Thank you!Comment after melliott bought #64796 from salvagesister
If only the owner of this bracelet gets as much attention as the bracelet HAHA.Love your work.
Thanks so much for sharing!!
Comment after melliott bought #64826 from salvagesister
I’m totally blown away at my lamp!!! Its epic.... and creates a few conversations!Thanks so much for sharing your talent.
Look forward to seeing more of your collection.
High 5