Feedback for rosiemclean
rosiemclean's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for rosiemclean
Comment after mute_jester bought #521867 from rosiemclean
Beautiful! Thank you very much!Comment after mute_jester bought #521866 from rosiemclean
Beautiful! Thank you very much!Comment after naykay bought #462832 from rosiemclean
Bought for a friend, she said it was beautiful and absolutely loves it.Comment after ironweed sold #421662 to rosiemclean
Thankyou for supporting NZ Made!Your order is on its way, NZ Post tracking no: LA118451374NZ
Comment after ironweed sold #417191 to rosiemclean
Thankyou for supporting NZ Made!Your order is on its way, NZ Post tracking no: LA119558037NZ