reformaglory's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
It's almost a year since I made my purchase, naughty me that I have not given feedback earlier. I love my poncho and get so many awesome comments about it. It's great to have something that is totally original. Thank you.
Love this cosy poncho, thanks so much :)
Thank You, just received the package. Looking forward to wearing the lovely poncho.
Thanks so much,very well made and love the colour.
Sorry about the late feedback! My Mother in-law LOVED the cushion!! (and now I want one too!!)
Mum loves her Nana cushion, thank you so much!
I adore Rotten Rosy - she smiles at me and sneers at all the other softies!
Wicked scarf, arrived today thanks. Very pleased with purchase.