Feedback for recreatednz
recreatednz's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for recreatednz
Comment after zachharry bought #465243 from recreatednz
Awesome product and customer service a plusComment after jodikear4436 bought #397791 from recreatednz
Thank you so much. Brilliant itComment after zachharry bought #425035 from recreatednz
Awesome product Thank youComment after ellyp1 bought #167510 from recreatednz
Very cute little piece of art, thank you!!Comment after zachharry bought #425030 from recreatednz
Awesome product.. thank you a++Comment after moth bought #367323 from recreatednz
This was the most beautifully made dolly’s bedding set. Soft green lined wooden blanket with matching sheet (faded pink rosebuds) and little pillow. Such a lovely set for Olivia’s new dolly. Thank you for such lovingly made little treasures.Comment after karenkaye bought #366766 from recreatednz
Very cute bunny. Thank you for another great purchase.Comment after karenkaye bought #181861 from recreatednz
Thank you Nadine for this wonderful doll set.So much love and care has gone into making them, and they arrived very well packaged :)