Feedback for ollybolly
ollybolly's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for ollybolly
Comment after sarold bought #269568 from ollybolly
I'm sorry this took me so long to write, but I just wanted to say thank you again, I'm delighted with the bunting, we've used it several times already! It was also lovely to be in touch with you -thanks so much.Comment after countrystudio sold #304389 to ollybolly
Thanks for your orders Renee - welcome back! Lovely customer!Comment after countrystudio sold #291582 to ollybolly
Great customer, fast payment. Thanks for shopping at The Country Studio! Love your shop too!Comment after quack65 bought #261029 from ollybolly
Thanks so much. I love it! Beautifully packaged too. Have you ever thought of making oven gloves?Comment after woodbotherer* sold #244750 to ollybolly
Fantastic! thank youComment after fizzbangpop bought #241089 from ollybolly
Gorgeous product!Beautifully made, thank you so much, we love it :)
Comment after caseywerner bought #222138 from ollybolly
Thanks heaps! xComment after acoulson bought #230515 from ollybolly
Love the banner great christmas present. Made so quickly and easy to pick upComment after jc_artist bought #227522 from ollybolly
These name letters will be a lovely feature for my baby girls room. Very happy with the purchase. Would recommend this trader.Julia : )