Feedback for nzartsu
nzartsu's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for nzartsu
Comment after nanette bought #516767 from nzartsu
Beautiful piece and super speedy delivery! Thanks :-)Comment after madihick4860 bought #503738 from nzartsu
Absolutely love the set!Comment after madihick4860 bought #503729 from nzartsu
Fantastic commmunication, with the parcel arriving safe and sound:)Comment after scopeyview bought #509066 from nzartsu
Beautiful little yarn bowl as a gift for my knitter daughter. She loves it. Thanks!Comment after unsane bought #503975 from nzartsu
Thank you. Just as ordered. Looks fantastic and well packed it arrived safe and sound looking good.Comment after tuicat bought #503970 from nzartsu
I love this cup! I bought it for my son to take to Kindy, but I'm finding it difficult to part with... Such nice colours, and nice to drink from. Lovely seller as well.Comment after suzyluttrell bought #509058 from nzartsu
Really pleased with the cup. Ended up keeping this one for myself and found an alternative present!Comment after rachellukes bought #503740 from nzartsu
Wonderful pot; looks great.Super efficient way to do business; thanks Sue.