Feedback for natural_star
natural_star's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for natural_star
Comment after tinkuni bought #149490 from natural_star
Great pattern. ThanksComment after iwha bought #98283 from natural_star
thank you, I have made this hat many times now.It is verysimple and cuteComment after jbuchanan bought #7799 from natural_star
Great pattern, have loved knitting this. Looks fantastic!Comment after bymissymoo bought #118214 from natural_star
Pattern is lovely, look forward to starting it.Comment after tashlee bought #109534 from natural_star
Thank you, great, fast & friendly serviceComment after tashlee bought #109535 from natural_star
Thank you, great, fast & friendly serviceComment after karenjellie bought #106647 from natural_star
Easy and friendly communication. Definitely recommend.Comment after michellekane bought #2262 from natural_star
Great sale. Thanks so much the booties fit my daughter well and she now has warm wee toes.Comment after limeandmint bought #104200 from natural_star
great traderComment after limeandmint bought #9909 from natural_star
fantastic trader, quick and easyComment after allthingssmall bought #96853 from natural_star
beautifully knitted thank you so muchComment after anondita bought #41615 from natural_star
Brilliant traderComment after anondita bought #88989 from natural_star
Brilliant traderComment after allthingssmall bought #88411 from natural_star
Sorry i didn't realise I was meant to place feedback!!!Very very pleased with the gorgeous, top quality hat. If fits my daughter perfectly and looks adorable. Many thanks.