Feedback for mybestdress
mybestdress's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for mybestdress
Comment after debbsimm79 bought #572804 from mybestdress
Thank you for your prompt response to my purchaseComment after kinaheart bought #378233 from mybestdress
Lovely dresses thank you!Comment after hello_bunny bought #419467 from mybestdress
Beautifully made dress! Love it .Comment after voonshan bought #353625 from mybestdress
Thank you for such a beautiful dress!Comment after voonshan bought #391275 from mybestdress
Thanks for the quick delivery!!! The item was also well packaged.Comment after e-anderson bought #378238 from mybestdress
Thank you so much Fiona - all received and it is absolutely beautiful! Thank you! hank you too for packaging it so carefully and attractively! I will keep looking on your site! ElizabethComment after debbbeanne bought #378231 from mybestdress
The dress is gorgeous.Comment after loubell bought #334004 from mybestdress
Thank you so much! I received the dress three working days after payment and I love it!The quality of the dress is outstanding and the attention to detail is amazing. Love the lining too. Well done!!!