Feedback for mollymauk
mollymauk's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for mollymauk
Comment after evanwils7282 bought #375500 from mollymauk
Amazing thankyou!Comment after evanwils7282 bought #361374 from mollymauk
Absolutely beautiful pieces, thank you so much! Will be loved for a long time!Comment after igcreations bought #541010 from mollymauk
A lovely soft and snuggly blanket, will be much appreciated by new baby! The colours are lovely. And a thoughtful donation to charity, that is kind crafting :-)Comment after joanreid799 bought #541107 from mollymauk
Very generous seller with free postage and donation to animal evac. Rug is a good size, nice and thick and joyful use of colours.Thanks