Feedback for mikedebz
mikedebz's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for mikedebz
Comment after muffydesigns sold #139074 to mikedebz
Quick payment it cleared after the weekend just for next time please remember to pay for rural shipping :)Thanks for supporting handmade
Comment after yayahdesign sold #141284 to mikedebz
Thank for your order. It's all ready for the courier to collect :)Comment after kiwialan sold #120244 to mikedebz
Thanks! Extremely fast payment always appreciated! Goodies now on the way, enjoy.................Comment after sweetmatilda sold #110438 to mikedebz
Thank you for you super quick payment. Your parcel will be sent tomorrow morning. Cheers : )Comment after littlewhitebox sold #113613 to mikedebz
Super prompt payment - many thanks! Highly recommend as a buyer!Comment after therubyloushop sold #107705 to mikedebz
Thank you for shopping at the RubyLou Shop! Hope you like the skirt.Delphine.