Feedback for madebyfran
madebyfran's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for madebyfran
Comment after fortheravers bought #211562 from madebyfran
Wonderful trade. Thank you so much - you're so lovely and the coat hook is gorgeous. Thank you for such comprehensive service too. I'm so happy!Comment after inmybackyard bought #192147 from madebyfran
Beautiful brooch! thank you so much :)Comment after inmybackyard sold #193529 to madebyfran
Awesome! thank you :)Comment after crazycrayons sold #188803 to madebyfran
Thanks for buyingfrom Crazy Crayons!!!Comment after crazycrayons sold #188802 to madebyfran
Thanks for buying from Crazy Crayons!!!Comment after campbellsar bought #174063 from madebyfran
Fran made us the most beautiful custom wooden ring. We absolutely love it. She was outstanding to deal with and organised the shipment very quickly. Would highly recommend Fran as both a craftsperson and as retailer.Thank you Fran.