livnaylor's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Excellent customer, thankyou for purchasing your pink and white wedding horseshoe from The Felted Room.
Thanks for purchasing and supporting NZ handmade - Bunny & Lion
Excellent buyer with prompt payment - thanks your order is on its way!
Thank you for your order and for choosing Littlehearts :) Your order is in the post :)
Wonderful customer thanks so much for choosing Sew Mama:)
Excellent customer, speedy payment highly recommend! Enjoy Butterfly Hair Clip:)
Great customer, transfer payment, I hope you like owl bag:)
Thanks so much for purchasing some of my Beautiful Bunting, I'm sure you will love it. It is on its way to you today. Have a lovely Christmas and thanks again. :)
Thank you for supporting Emma Makes and for being a repeat customer.
Excellent buyer with prompt payment