Feedback for lavenderstation
lavenderstation's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for lavenderstation
Comment after catcat bought #582175 from lavenderstation
A beautiful, handmade, lavender-scented eye pillow. A lovely shape, and weighted just enough to feel very soothing. The eye pillow was made and sent very quickly (thank you!), and arrived with an information instruction sheet.Thank you Lavender Station!
Comment after miriam bought #580965 from lavenderstation
Fantastic experience, the eye mask is divine and I loooove the colour! Thanks again for being so wonderful to deal with, would definitely recommend.Comment after miriam bought #580938 from lavenderstation
I absolutely love my laptop sleeve! Beautifully made with amazing communication and care. Thank you sooo much!Comment after zoewath9343 bought #577121 from lavenderstation
Excellent communication regarding the delivery.Pouch is beautiful great quality, material feels soft, I love it. Would buy from lavender station again.