Feedback for laina
laina's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for laina
Comment after milkandhoney sold #116563 to laina
Fantastic customer, highly recommended! Thank-you for purchasing from milk and honey, enjoy your {ruffle bud} clips!Comment after mushroomlane sold #71176 to laina
Posted today. Thanks so much & happy Christmas!Comment after bellaroonz sold #47348 to laina
Excellent. Fast payment. Thanks!Comment after mumoftwins sold #48762 to laina
Thanks so much for the opportunity to knit for you. A real pleasure. Kind regards.Comment after natural_star sold #47347 to laina
Lovely person to deal with, communication was superb and payment instand. Thank you :)Comment after marshmmagic sold #39204 to laina
Thank you for your fast payment, Your little booties have been sent today,Enjoy, Janis