Feedback for kimlawgun
kimlawgun's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for kimlawgun
Comment after chapelclose sold #580868 to kimlawgun
Thank you for your purchases. So appreciate your support.Comment after baileycreations sold #564849 to kimlawgun
Thank you so much for your support - I love making people happyComment after dgdesigns sold #290276 to kimlawgun
thanks so much for choosing to buy from dgdesigns : )Comment after kowhaikare sold #564847 to kimlawgun
Superb transaction again - thank you for supporting a small business :-0Comment after tutus2 sold #538008 to kimlawgun
Thanks so much for your repeat custom and prompt payment, your cushion cover was shipped yesterday (Friday 10 May) cheersComment after needlenthreads sold #564850 to kimlawgun
Good communicationComment after wixandbloom sold #564846 to kimlawgun
Hi Kim, please find attached your tracking details, you should receive your treasure on Monday. Hope you love your Peony Rose Candles as much as I loved making them for you. Trace x,
Comment after kowhaikare sold #564459 to kimlawgun
Thank you for supporting our small business and being so easy to deal with.Hope you enjoy the products. :-)
Comment after kowhaikare sold #564458 to kimlawgun
Thank you for supporting a small business and thank you for such a quick and easy interaction :-)Comment after kowhaikare sold #564460 to kimlawgun
Very easy to deal with, prompt payment :-)Comment after henahena sold #556792 to kimlawgun
Thank you for your purchase at Hena Hena!Your item is on its way now.
I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback.
Kind regards,
Comment after countrycousins sold #495662 to kimlawgun
Thank you for your supportComment after muccunz sold #539676 to kimlawgun
Good communication and quick payment.Thank you for your purchase.