Feedback for karenanne
karenanne's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for karenanne
Comment after rubysnest sold #211452 to karenanne
Thank you for supporting Ruby's Nest on Felt, hope you love your Tui tags. Thank youComment after maryherman bought #205210 from karenanne
Fantastic!!!Comment after dannegrid bought #180957 from karenanne
These napkin/cutlery holders were brilliant at the Xmas table - thanks for the swift delivery.Comment after jagardiner bought #189127 from karenanne
Sorry this is a bit late loved my pohutukawa sleeves used them on xmas day,Comment after rbwheeler bought #185918 from karenanne
We got there in the end! Thanks for the sleevesComment after oaktreemama sold #105158 to karenanne
Thank you so much for your purchase, and patience while my bank account had a wee tizz. Enjoy your items :)Comment after kiwialan sold #29704 to karenanne
Thanks! Fast payment always appreciated! Goodies on the way, enjoy.....................Comment after vintagefifi sold #79663 to karenanne
Wonderful customer. Immediate payment and great communication. Thanks again for your order! I do hope you love your ribbon :0)Happy 2012!