Feedback for kaikiwikai
kaikiwikai's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for kaikiwikai
Comment after growmama sold #105669 to kaikiwikai
lovely 'talking' with you about these...hope you have received them and that they are well loved. xComment after growmama sold #105696 to kaikiwikai
lovely 'talking' with you about these...hope you have received them and that they are well loved. xComment after therubyloushop sold #100489 to kaikiwikai
Thank you for shopping at the RubyLou Shop and hope you will like the pants. DelphineComment after therubyloushop sold #79485 to kaikiwikai
Thank you for shopping at the RubyLou Shop and hope you will like the pants. DelphineComment after growmama sold #60312 to kaikiwikai
thank you kaikiwikai!Comment after freckles sold #62025 to kaikiwikai
Great buyer - friendly, good communicator and fast payment. thanks!Comment after lylly-fysh sold #59166 to kaikiwikai
Great sale- Fast payment :) Thanks for being my 'First' Felt customer!Comment after lylly-fysh sold #59162 to kaikiwikai
Great sale- Fast payment :) Thanks for being my 'First' Felt customer!Comment after hikkepik sold #46958 to kaikiwikai
Sorry for the late feedback !But you were a great , fast and friendly buyer !
Thank you !