jemanning's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Great customer, Welcome back to Starting from Zero anytime. Thank you.
Thanks so much for your purchase. Hoping these Cardigans keep your little toasty warm through this chilly winter. Kind regards.
Thank you for your purchase, smooth transaction.
Thanks so much for your purchase and visiting my store again. A pleasure knitting for you. Enjoy! Kind regards.
Thanks so much for visiting my store again and making another purchase! A pleasure knitting for you. kind regards.
Thanks so much for your support. Your hat will be on its way shortly.
Thanks so much for your purchase. A real pleasure knitting for you. Enjoy! Kind regards.
Fantastic customer. Thank you so much for supporting Maisie-Moo. x
Thanks for your purchase from My 2 Monsters!
Thanks so much for your purchase. A pleasure knitting for you. Enjoy! Kind regards.
Thank you for supporting Maisie-Moo Felt Creations x
Lovely customer - enjoy your quilt!
Very easy to deal with and prompt with payment/pick-up. Thanks