Feedback for janepublic
janepublic's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for janepublic
Comment after stagworxleather sold #557233 to janepublic
Great communication, thank you & enjoyComment after twilltex sold #363018 to janepublic
Thank you and happy weavingComment after stitchstudio sold #263499 to janepublic
Swift payment - recommend. Enjoy the mitts.Comment after stitchstudio sold #263500 to janepublic
Very swift payment - recommend.The wings might need to hang in a steamy bathroom after being scrunched up in the post. Fairies are very particular about crinkled wings.
Comment after mimiandrufus sold #256092 to janepublic
Elephant Lovey on its way. Thank you so much for your order, really appreciate it.Comment after mimiandrufus sold #262402 to janepublic
Thanks for buying our cute hat. Hope you like it.Comment after hellofallow sold #230457 to janepublic
Wonderful! Thank you. :)Comment after mimiandrufus sold #231685 to janepublic
Hope the giraffe rattle arrives safely. Thanks for your order.Comment after ella-louise sold #232995 to janepublic
Thank you for your purchase. Quick payment appreciated. Little Red Riding Hood posted today 28/11.Comment after rfp sold #188690 to janepublic
Recommend this trader,Purchased, paid and supplied delivery address immediately, which enabled me to post straight away.