Feedback for janecraigier
janecraigier's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for janecraigier
Comment after jaxandjulz sold #467442 to janecraigier
Thank you for your order. Enjoy!Comment after jaxandjulz sold #467441 to janecraigier
Thank you for your order. Enjoy!Comment after alexoandco sold #394873 to janecraigier
Thank you for the purchase. Your parcel is going out on tomorrows courier run:Courier CourierPost
Contact: 0800 268 743
[email protected]
Tracking #: 8476-3939-5224-5301-DUD0-03HN
Kind Regards
Alex O
Comment after nativecre8ve sold #188964 to janecraigier
Thanks! I hope the Kereru is enjoyed. Please remember to help share the love and place feedback :)Comment after slyfox sold #122521 to janecraigier
Thank you for supporting our work! We hope you enjoy your jewels ^-^Comment after slyfox sold #133046 to janecraigier
A lovely customer ^-^Many thanks for supporting our work, we hope you enjoy!