hausfrau's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
A lovely customer ^-^
Many thanks for supporting our work, we hope you enjoy!
This feedback is long overdue as frankly I was still finding my way around the Felt site (which I simply love by the way!) This lovely card has been framed for a wee boys room in the hope that he will take heed and follow in the families yatching tradition - many thanks for offering this lovely card.
Quick communication, great quality cards. Love your style!
Sorry i have been so slow to place feedback!! LOVE our mobile in our baby daughter's bedroom. Absolutely stunning!! Many thanks! :)
Arrived without fuss, just like they are on the site - and with a bonus card thrown in - fabulous!
The poster is very high quality and was packaged very well. Am very happy with my purchase! Thank you!
Thanks it's a wonderful print. I've had this framed for my little boys room in a white frame and it loks amazing so thank you....