gsbuni's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Thank you so much! Hope you like your print :)
excellent trade! thank you!
Perfect again!! Thank you!!
Super smooth transaction - thanks for buying from Crazy Crayons!
Many thanks for buying from Little Drop Design. We hope you love your tee and have a very special birthday celebration!
Thank you for supporting Salvage- prompt payment- a real pleasure :)
Thanks for your prompt payment!! I sent the skulls on Tuesday...hope you like them!!
Thanks you for a speedy and friendly trade. I hope you enjoy your bunting. I look forward to shopping with Crafty Hens again :o)
Many thanks for purchasing my earrings, enjoy :)
Fantastic! Thanks so much for choosing to purchase these gorgeous earrings from me. Hope you enjoy wearing them! :)