Feedback for dutchgirl
dutchgirl's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for dutchgirl
Comment after foundthings sold #491428 to dutchgirl
Thank you so much. Enjoy your free giftComment after foundthings sold #491425 to dutchgirl
Thank you so muchComment after foundthings sold #491424 to dutchgirl
Thank you so muchComment after foundthings sold #491423 to dutchgirl
Thank you for your orderComment after jaxandjulz sold #468095 to dutchgirl
Thank you for your order. Your masks were shipped today. Enjoy!Comment after jaxandjulz sold #468094 to dutchgirl
Thank you for your order. Your masks were shipped today. Enjoy!Comment after kaybeecreations sold #465358 to dutchgirl
Thank you so much for your support. Stay safe, KBComment after ghdesign sold #335331 to dutchgirl
Thanks for supporting our handmade business.Gwyneth
Comment after crushes sold #329867 to dutchgirl
Thanks so much for your order Rita! It is on its way to you via NZ Couriers Tracking number IFG0001410.Sarah :)
Comment after catalina sold #325866 to dutchgirl
Hi. Thank you so much ! Hope you like the blocks. They are now on their way to you.Catalina :)