Feedback for designz4u
designz4u's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for designz4u
Comment after paulhaye572 bought #566959 from designz4u
I love my piece of NZ stone who knew they are found in NZ (not me). So beautifully displayed to show off its natural beauty. So very lucky to be able to wear this taonga thank youComment after paulhaye572 bought #559223 from designz4u
Love my tree gnomes thank you. They are little cuties which I can’t wait to see on my Christmas tree this Christmas.Comment after ossett bought #482380 from designz4u
A very helpful trader supplying a nicely made personalised gift. It arrived safely and in good time. ThanksComment after nikkipreddy bought #420920 from designz4u
Hi. The bookmark arrived today and it’s gorgeous. A lovely size. I think my mum will love it.Cheers