Feedback for craftyweasel
craftyweasel's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for craftyweasel
Comment after kaatje bought #55463 from craftyweasel
very fast at getting the goodsComment after laurajoy bought #47147 from craftyweasel
Looks great on my wall!Very efficient, arrived within days!
Comment after emmadowden bought #46452 from craftyweasel
Beautiful note board! Fantastically talented seller, would recommend to all!Comment after ellyzyp bought #48622 from craftyweasel
The French Ribbon Noteboard I purchased is absolutely fantastic. I've placed it in my lounge with photos on it and man it looks funky!Crafty Weasel is a great shop with lots of great items, I will definitely be recommending them to friends and family! Thanks Heaps!
Comment after izzy bought #47579 from craftyweasel
I love the hanging name!My friends who have seen it have said "Wow!" and want to know where I bought this.
Will definitely recommend to others. Thankyou!