Feedback for craftedloops
craftedloops's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for craftedloops
Comment after delight bought #525163 from craftedloops
Thank you for your clever work. My husband’s eyes lit up & chuckled with delight when he saw it.Comment after mycoveart bought #578962 from craftedloops
Absolutely gorgeous crocheted flowers, and coaster. Can't wait to gift them at Christmas time!Comment after jo-apric2007 bought #564444 from craftedloops
Both hanging vines & potted cactus are gorgeous. I am using them to brighten up our caravan. Shipping was the same day & they were beautifully wrapped. Thank you Crafted LoopsComment after rosemaryp bought #563712 from craftedloops
Thrilled with my purchase - Beautiful coasters, very talented. Fast delivery. Thank youComment after gkate58 bought #527815 from craftedloops
I have just received your 'Fabulous' bag, I know I will use a lot. It is so colourful and that is me!Oh thank you for the Coaster, tis great!
Many thanks, Glenda