Feedback for chanelled
chanelled's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for chanelled
Comment after semason bought #211127 from chanelled
Love this teething ring - very happy with it when it arrived. ThanksComment after littlewhitebox sold #177257 to chanelled
Great buyer! Many thanks for your purchase from The Little White Box, I hope you like your ceramic twinkle twinkle star!Comment after littlewhitebox sold #189024 to chanelled
Great buyer! Many thanks for your purchase from The Little White Box, I hope you like your ceramic salt & pepper dishes!Comment after inmybackyard sold #194164 to chanelled
Super!! Thank you and I hope you love your fabric :)Comment after vhaywood bought #172694 from chanelled
Wonderful product! Excellent quality and lovely gift. Really impressed.Comment after cindy bought #156453 from chanelled
Received elephant today, it's gorgeous. Beautifu fabric.Many thanks Cindy
Comment after milasmumma bought #165167 from chanelled
Thank you, the bibs are great! Love the fabrics, will be keeping an eye on your future creations :)Comment after jewelenz bought #160444 from chanelled
This elephant is so cute and cuddly with being made out of the blankie. Love it!Comment after teatime bought #156461 from chanelled
Thank you, awesome bib and cloth again. Exciting!Comment after teatime bought #151742 from chanelled
Thanks for the awesome bib and burp cloth, i hope to purchase more items from you soon!Comment after lisajhoney sold #130353 to chanelled
Thank you for the prompt payment and smooth transaction, a pleasureComment after kmr sold #128665 to chanelled
Thanks for your prompt payment! Will post tomorrow (Wednesday).Comment after cattaylor* sold #102949 to chanelled
Lovely customer - enjoyComment after delsimplyspecial sold #100307 to chanelled
Fantastic trader, highly recommended.I hope you are happy with your purchase. Would love to know what you think, AAA+