Feedback for bluebirdpots
bluebirdpots's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for bluebirdpots
Comment after bigbunny sold #314877 to bluebirdpots
Thank you for your purchase and prompt payment - your seeds are on their way. Happy gardening from Big Bunny! after blackwood bought #313538 from bluebirdpots
Arrived safely, well packaged, very excited just love them, thanks so much.Evelyn Rose Design
Comment after aisha bought #309674 from bluebirdpots
Love it thanks heapsComment after autumns_mum bought #192168 from bluebirdpots
So cute. I love it.Comment after whirledpeas bought #235259 from bluebirdpots
Beautifully made, thank you!Comment after pauladymond bought #192166 from bluebirdpots
Thank you so much.My rain cloud arrived very promptly and am thrilled with it.
Love your work