Feedback for bethmudf541
bethmudf541's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for bethmudf541
Comment after wildweka sold #484926 to bethmudf541
Great customer and prompt payment, thank you. And thank you for supporting a small handmade business, I appreciate it! I hope the tail provides endless imaginative play.Comment after kaybeecreations sold #469389 to bethmudf541
Thank you so much for your support!Comment after kaybeecreations sold #469032 to bethmudf541
Thank you so much for your support!Comment after andarcher sold #433751 to bethmudf541
Excellent thanks very much :)Comment after lepapillonnz sold #373193 to bethmudf541
No issues with payment fast payer. Nice and easy. I hope you enjoy the rattle.Thanks for your order