Feedback for artbyira
artbyira's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for artbyira
Comment after cornishkiwi bought #158962 from artbyira
Fast delivery. Lovely pendant. Thanks.Comment after amharrop bought #134530 from artbyira
Incredible service and a great product. Thank you so much for all you help and extra service. You went the extra mile for sure!Comment after tinkered bought #130891 from artbyira
Absolutely perfectly amazing work! Very happy and will be back! Highly recomend to all and comes so beautifully packaged. Thank you-have a great Christmas :)Comment after hannahmurphy bought #130733 from artbyira
Thanks Ira, the necklace is beautiful! It is perfect for the person it's for. Thanks heaps.Comment after whatakrakka bought #116206 from artbyira
I absolutely adore it. So beautiful. It makes me so happy when I wear it.Thank you :-)