arkle1's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Super quick Sale. Many thanks, Christine, for being a delight to deal with, quick communication and payment. Enjoy your flower studs. Sally x
Great customer - thank you for the awesome communication and feedback
Super quick sale and payment. Many thanks for shopping local and supporting my Felt Shop. Enjoy wearing your lovely earrings. Sally
THANK YOU so much for shopping local and supporting my Felt Shop by purchasing one of my unique pieces. Hope you get lots of joy from your hand-made purchase. Follow me on insta @herbertandwilksjewellery for inspiration & new products. I would love it if you post feed-back ;o) Best Wishes from Sally
Lovely customer, great communication - enjoy your new earrings.
Thank you arkle1 , enjoy :)
Thank you, hope you enjoy them.
Thanks for your purchase and prompt payment. I hope the little birds bring a smile :-).
Thanks for your purchase and supporting hand made. Hope you love your earrings.
Great person to deal with. Immediate payment, super quick and easy. Thanks very much. Enjoy your earrings! Wendi
Great person to deal with. Immediate payment, super quick and easy. Thanks very much. Enjoy your earrings! Wendi
thanks heaps for the support and hope you enjoy the earrings!