How do I contact a buyer?

To contact a buyer, go to My Account » Items You’ve Sold (under Shop). You’ll find a contact link for messaging your buyer via our messaging system next to their purchase.

Please note that it is against Felt’s terms of use to use the messaging feature to exchange contact details (including email addresses) or to conduct a transaction that bypasses Felt’s checkout. Digital file sales can be sent via WeTransfer‘s free, secure file transfer system.

To send photos, receipts, or a digital file sale to a customer, on the WeTransfer site enter your own email address as the sender and recipient, then copy the resulting link and message it to your buyer via the Felt contact system. All you’ll need to say is something like “Here’s the WeTransfer link to download your purchase. Copy and paste the link into your web browser address bar, and then follow the instructions on the site to download your purchase.”

If you need to receive photos from a customer they can use the same system to send them to you. Just advise them via the contact system:

“To send me your images, please use On the WeTransfer site simply enter your own email address as both the sender and recipient, then copy the link you receive by email and message it to me via the Felt contact system. The link generated by WeTransfer is one allowed by Felt.”

If you have any questions please contact us.