Original Painting - 'God's Garden'

Listing image #1015741
'God's Garden' is a painting which I based of a letter I wrote to a friend of mine in the days after she passed away. Tomtits or Tītitipounamu are seen as the messengers to God in Māori culture, and I've included them in this painting as a way to portray my hope that she received my letter - even in death.

"Dear Kate,

I never believed in a God, but you did.
You once told me when you reached the afterlife you would live in God's garden, waiting for your friends and chosen family to join you. You told me it would be summer, it would be spring, and it would be autumn all at once - but not winter, because you couldn't stand the cold.

I hope you're there now, and I hope the pain you felt here has gone.

You were only in my life for a moment, but you left an imprint on my heart that'll never fade. You loved us fiercely and cared for us beautifully. You are sunshine, you are honey, you are a summer's breeze - I hope that you've found peace.

The pain of missing you is worth every moment spent with you.

Thank you for seeing me when I thought I was invisible.

I miss you and love you to the heavens and back.

Acrylic on Canvas

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Listing #557232
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