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Ametrine Crystal Rosemary, Oregano, Calendula, Peppermint, Lavender Smudge stick

Listing image #848541
Listing image #859119
Listing image #848539
It has been calling you to balance your mind, body, and soul with the high vibration of their sacred medicinal plants.
This Ametrine Crystal Smudge Stick has been blessed and charged with beautiful unconditional love and vibrant energy with the intention to meet its owner. Know and trust that when you choose one of the Crystal Smudge Stick it has been made for you to give you what you need to live your life fully. The beauty of this Ametrine Crystal Smudge Stick is that it will adapt and evolve with your needs as your energy change every day depending on what you experience in your life. This Sacred handmade product has been created on the principle to align the energetic system of the body.

Plants properties:
Rosemary is an excellent all-purpose herb. While the scent can be stimulating for memory the herb offers other emotional healing properties. Rosemary is mainly used for protection and cleansing, but also for love, healing, and feminine power.
Benefits & Healing Properties: Anti-inflammatory, improve blood circulation, sleep, memory performance, and quality. Boost the immune system, alertness, intelligence, and focus.
Spiritual & Magical Properties: This herb’s magic properties are used for love work, protection, and as an aphrodisiac. In ancient times, it was favored for purification and cleansing rituals.
Scent: Woodsy and earthy fragrance

The spiritual benefits of lavender are to calm and heal. Lavender is a vital part of the spiritual journey of a healer as it is a nurturer and represents the warmth of Mother Earth.
This versatile plant is known for its ability to engender beauty, heal wounds and give emotional support in times of need. A true goddess who brings love to those who embrace her.
Benefits & Healing Properties: Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, general tonic, soothes migraines, headaches, insomnia, depression, anxiety, and tension.
Spiritual & Magical Properties: Promotes clairvoyance, cleansing, blessing, happiness, healing, love, money, passion, peace, peace of mind, protection, psychic protection, purification, tranquility, communication.
Scent: Sweet, floral, and herbal with balsamic undertones

There are more magical properties associated with this herb than we think. On a more spiritual level, peppermint is a protective herb that helps in clearing unnecessary energies and is irreplaceable for helping lost earthbound souls find their way to the Otherworld. This plant also promotes the healing of “wounds” that entities have caused to the aura layers.
Benefits & Healing Properties: Relieves muscle and joint pain, provides respiratory and seasonal allergy relief, increases energy, alleviates headaches, improves digestion, supports oral health, improves memory, and raises alertness.
Spiritual & Magical Properties: Brings good luck, positive thinking, helps in healing any situation - physical or spiritual. Helps you to connect with the angels of health and healing. Protective, purifying, and healing.
Scent: Pure and fresh

The magic herb of good fortune and good health which has been used in magic work since ancient times to bring happiness, luck, and protection.
Benefits & Healing Properties: It is a superstar immune booster with its strong antiviral, antiseptic, antimicrobial, and anti-parasitic properties. It can also help with allergies, asthma, and respiratory infections.
Spiritual & Magical Properties: Brings a feeling of pure joy and lightness, creativity, protection, peace, freedom, and courage. It promotes communication, prophetic dreams, and the connection with animal magic.
Scent: Bold and earthy with a slight bitterness

Known as the sunshine herb as she follows the sun, gathering in those gentle, fiery, nourishing energies. She is offering her warmth, her brightness to help us see the glimpse of sunny possibilities even when we are feeling mired in the dark of winter. Calendula flowers help us to see the energy needed to work into blossom. She is gifting us with her nurturing potential.
Benefits & Healing Properties: Antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties that might make it useful in healing wounds, soothing eczema, and relieving diaper rash.
Spiritual & Magical Properties: Wealth, potential, attitude, and beauty. Blooming from early spring into late fall and even winter, Calendula has much to teach about sustaining wealth.
Scent: Wooden and musky

Crystal Properties:
The Stone is an Ametrine which is a powerful combination of Amethyst and Citrine, connecting physical and spiritual realms. It is a very soothing stone and it combines masculine and feminine energy to help bring harmony.

Smudging refers to the ritual of burning sacred medicinal plants which has a really nice sweet and pleasant scent when burned. Smudging your space, a person, or an object is a purifying and protection ritual that will reset and rebalance all the energies to bring back vitality and life to what was low and heavy before. The plant I used in this Ametrine Crystal Smudge Stick is considered sacred and when burned, the smoke of these sacred herbs attaches to the low energies amplified by the crystal healing properties. As the smoke spirals and fills up the space, the place is being cleansed. To use it direct the smoke onto areas you want to clear or protect, set your intention while you are burning the sacred medicinal plants, and be grateful for all the help of these sacred herbs.

Each of the sacred medicinal plants has been grown organically in Julie's garden apart from the Lavender that has been hand-picked by Julie in an organically grown Lavender Farm.
Follow your intuition on the Crystal Smudge Stick you need as it will really help you to raise your vibration.

Use: To cleanse the space you live in, yourself or objects, light your Ametrine Crystal Smudge Stick with a candle, match, or a lighter. Hold at about a 45-degree angle pointing the tip down toward the flame. Allow it to burn for about 30 secs to 1 minute and then blow out allow the ember to burn. Move around the space you live in bringing the smoke into each and every corner of the room, for yourself let the smoke go all around you and for objects place the smoke underneath them. One of the most powerful and my favourite way is to use your intention while smudging with the magic herbs. You can use the following process or let yourself be guided by your intuition.
In the process of each cleanse, it is the intention and the gratitude that you use that counts the most, so I would affirm internally:
“I ask that the magic herbs I am burning right now clear up all the unnecessary energies from myself, myspace, this objects,... and that they be recycled, transformed, and sent back to the light. I ask that they be recharged and filled with the pure energy of joy, vitality, harmony, and love. I am very grateful for all that is”.
Then wait until you feel that every energy are back to their neutral state. Then you are ready to enjoy this new energy. The rich smell will also bring peace and clarity to the moment along with good feelings. When finished, place the stick in a fireproof bowl of metal, glass or clay. The glow will end on its own unless you blow on the ember which will keep the smoke going. Always use caution and respect when working with fire.

Our ethos is to use only products that are natural and certified organic in origin or as close as possible. It is a priority for us that all the products we make are totally safe and have a positive and healthy impact on our clients, ourselves, and the environment.

NOTE: On the photos, the flowers and herbs are still freshly cut from my garden since then they have been under the process of drying to be burned. The Ametrine Crystal Smudge is the one with the violet stone in the photos. This order includes one Ametrine Crystal Smudge Stick.

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  • Ships from Lower Hutt, New Zealand.
  • $6.50 Standard post within NZ
    ($2.00 with another item)
  • Rural delivery charge applies.
    Pick up by arrangement.
  • If there is no suitable option for you listed above, to enquire about alternative payment or shipping options.

Listing #486214
Viewed 212 times