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Sacred Crystal Unconditional Love and Abundance Soy Candle scented with Certified Organic Essential Oils:

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Sacred Crystal Unconditional Love and Abundance Soy Candle scented with Certified Organic Essential Oils:

Uplifting and relaxing, aromatic candles can do a world of good for your mind, body, and soul; even just watching a gently flicking candle can be therapeutic.

The stone and the candle have been selected & made with guidance and intuition.
The Stones are:
-Clear Quartz: Master healer, a stone of power. It gives clarity with its high vibration. Excellent to meditate, energise, and balance.
-Amethyst: Spiritual stone of protection and purification. Powerful healer and energiser. It helps remain calm, balanced, patient, and peaceful.
-Aventurine: Amplifies leadership qualities and confidence. Known as the “Stone of Opportunity” thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth, or for increasing favour in competitions or games of chance.
-Citrine: Stone of abundance, prosperity, and success. It brings joy, positivity, optimism, and enthusiasm. Raises self-esteem and self-confidence while clearing and opening the mind to new perspectives.

The essential oils blend is a mix of many with the top note being:
-Sweet orange essential oil is most often referred to simply as orange oil. It brings a sense of support, warmth, and happiness when you smell it. With its versatility, affordability, and wonderfully uplifting aroma, this is one of the most popular essential oils in aromatherapy. It is a cheerful, inspiring, encouraging, and stimulating oil that reminds you of the happy moments in your life. Sweet orange oil has been used to relieve depression, anxiety, mood fluctuations, sleeping difficulties, and sexual problems like loss of libido and impotence. This oil creates an uplifting and invigorating ambiance.
Benefits & Healing Properties: Very uplifting boosts creativity, helps you focus and supports the immune system. Is an anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, sedative, mild aphrodisiac, tonic, detoxifier, helps constipation, supports sleeping, especially for kids.
Spiritual & Magical Properties: Helps attract guides and angels to you and increases your connection to them. Very purifying energetically, attracts success, love, luck, and money. Uplifts your mood, grants mental clarity, pacifies your nerves, induces positive feelings, and reminds you of the happy moments in your life.
Scent: Bright, deliciously juicy, and refreshingly sweet.

-Geranium essential oil has balancing, relaxing, and stimulating effects on the body, mind, soul. It also lifts the spirits and enhances communication. There are about 700 species of geranium and only around 10 varieties are used for essential oil production. This oil is well known for its enhancing properties that help with the rejuvenation of skin and for its balancing effect on the hormonal system; especially during menstruation and menopause. It is the plant that will bring you back to your heart centre when you lose touch with yourself, to restore the equilibrium between your male and female energies.
Benefits & Healing Properties: Anti-viral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, supports the hormonal system, especially for women. Antidepressant, reduces nerves, anxiety, and fear.
Spiritual & Magical Properties: Opens creativity, receptivity, strengthens your feminine energy. Cools and calms the mind, soul, and body and helps overcome apprehension.
Scent: Floral, sweet rose, herbal, earthy

The container is a 200 ml translucent glass with a metallic lid.
The candle is made of 100% natural soy wax and certified organic essential oil.

It has been calling you to balance your mind, body, and soul with the high vibration of a sacred scented crystal candle.
Each of the candles and stones has been blessed and charged with beautiful unconditional love and vibrant energy with the intention to meet its owner.
Know and trust that when you choose one it has been made for you to give you what you need to live your life fully.
The beauty of each stone is that it will adapt and evolve with your needs as your energy change every day depending on what you experience in your life.
This Sacred handmade product has been created on the principle to hold the space to align the energetic system of the body which can really guide you during a time of reflection or meditation.

Our ethos is to use only products that are natural and certified organic in origin or as close as possible. It is a priority for us that all the products we made are totally safe and have a positive and healthy impact on our clients, ourselves, and the environment.
This is why we only use 100% soy wax and certified organic essential oils to make our sacred handmade candle as it is free of synthetic perfume and paraffin which is a petroleum by-product, that releases carcinogens when burned, and that is used in most regular candles.
On another note, soy wax candles can be better for many reasons, it burns longer than paraffin candles, it is 100% biodegradable while paraffin wax is not, it burns cleaner and completely compared to the paraffin wax which emits black soot and it releases fragrance easier than paraffin candles which will allow your essential oils to diffuse their scent.
You may wonder how soy wax is made, as it is a vegetable it is made from the oil of soybeans. After harvesting, the beans are cleaned, cracked, de-hulled, and rolled into flakes. The oil is then extracted from the flakes and hydrogenated. The hydrogenation process converts some of the fatty acids in the oil from unsaturated to saturated.

Follow your intuition on the Sacred Crystal Candle you need as it will really help you to raise your vibration and guide you. If you feel you need guidance to know which Sacred Crystal Candle you need to make sure to contact me directly and I will be happy to advise you as the aim of me offering these sacred products is for you to truly balance your soul, body, and mind.

Use: follow the instruction.
This order includes one 200 ml soy candle scented with certified organic essential oils in a translucent glass container with a metallic lid, very small chips of clear quartz, amethyst, aventurine, and citrine crystals, and rose petals.

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  • Bank deposit
  • PayPal
  • Credit card via PayPal

Shipping details

  • Ships from Lower Hutt, New Zealand.
  • $5.50 Courier within NZ
    ($2.00 with another item)
  • Rural delivery charge applies.
    Pick up by arrangement.
  • If there is no suitable option for you listed above, to enquire about alternative payment or shipping options.

Listing #470346
Viewed 272 times