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Tulip-shaped Segmented Vase

Listing image #844655
Listing image #844656
Listing image #844657
(Hard beech and red beech tulip vase, 2061)

A segmented* vase of hard beech and red beech in a swirl pattern of light and dark woods designed to capture their colour variances. The vase is 180mm tall and 140mm wide. The artist has designed the vase to provide a function in the home or office as well as it being a thing of beauty. It would be equally pleasing either displayed alone on a shelf or filled with dried / artificial grasses or flowers.

* The simplest definition of segmented woodturning is little pieces of wood put together to make a blank to create big things. In traditional wood turning, the blank (the wood piece mounted on the lathe for turning) is a single piece of wood. Size, grain, colours, and character of the wood will usually determine what it can be made into.

In segmented woodturning the blank is made of many small pieces of wood glued together into a chosen design. The height, width and angle of each small piece of wood required – down to a tenth of a degree – must be calculated precisely. Each piece is then cut and hand sanded for creation of the blank. Segmented woodturning means size, patterns and woods are limited only by imagination, skill, and patience.

Care: Keep out of direct sunlight and away from excessive heat. A gentle wipe with a furniture oilcloth will remove any dust or fingerprints. For anything more use a damp cloth. Do not fill with water or immerse in water.

Payment options

  • Bank deposit
  • Credit card via PayPal

Shipping details

  • Ships from Westport, New Zealand.
  • $20.00 North Island Courier - NZ
    ($5.00 with another item)
  • $15.00 South Island Courier - NZ
    ($5.00 with another item)
  • Pick up by arrangement.
  • If there is no suitable option for you listed above, to enquire about alternative payment or shipping options.

Listing #468226
Viewed 127 times