Just Remember

Listing image #929245
Listing image #929160
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Just Remember

How do you put everything back together, when everything you love has fallen apart?

When Em Rogers’ is given her first after-school detention, life changes forever. If she’d known what would happen next, she would never have talked in class. After losing friends, confidence and hope, Em moves north to live with Nan. Guilty and grieving, Em keeps to herself, hoping Mum, who’s heartbroken, will visit soon.

When Em finds a heart-shaped stone, everything changes. She makes friends with Jessie and Mia, and sees a mermaid in the forest. Is she real? Em can’t be sure. There’s been so much going on in her life lately.

As Em helps the mermaid, a man stealing native trees from the bush reserve tries to stop her, and Mum turns up at long last.

Will Em find a way to stop the thief, and pull everyone in her family back together again?

For readers aged 9-12 years.

“A perfectly paced tale that had my heart in its grasp from the very first chapter and has yet to let go of it.” Jessica Barbosa, Readers Favorite

“Just Remember is a story that will be loved on bookshelves around the nation bringing together a uniquely Kiwi feel with magic, wonder and beautiful story telling.” Chris Reed, NZ Booklovers

“Short chapters, a steady pace, with challenges many kids face about fitting in, Just Remember is perfect for Intermediate age (Yr 5-6) up. Mix in a crime being committed, a little magic and a lot of hope and this is an enjoyable quick read.” Adele Broadbent, Whatbooknext

“There is something uniquely appealing about how Donna Blaber has addressed the ma­ture themes of mental health, grief and depression to cater to a younger audience, while also making the book differ­ent, engaging and easy to read with a magical Kiwiana touch.” Molly Molving-Lilo, Magpies Magazine

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Listing #450964
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