Weta Motel

Listing image #751794
Listing image #751795

Weta motels are great for kids, schools, community projects.

Have a Weta Motel to protect them from being eaten by rats, stoats, cats and hedgehogs.

hould you choose to locate your Weta Motel on your own property, here are some tips;

Tie each hotel to a tree trunk or post
Ensure you can remove your Weta Hotel to clean should they go mouldy
Weta prefer property that doesn't have rats
It can take up to 4 months for Weta to check into a Hotel. Within a year you may haveĀ up to 4!

Payment options

  • Cash on pick-up
  • Bank deposit
  • PayPal
  • Credit card via PayPal

Shipping details

  • Ships from hikurangi, New Zealand.
  • $12.50 North Island Tracked - NZ
    (Free with another item)
  • $22.00 South Island Tracked - NZ
    (Free with another item)
  • Rural delivery charge applies ($5.50).
    Pick up by arrangement.
  • If there is no suitable option for you listed above, to enquire about alternative payment or shipping options.

Listing #415407
Viewed 2880 times