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2 Crocheted Frisbees for dr_gwood

Listing image #952904
Listing image #952905
Listing image #952712
YES! These hand crocheted frisbees do fly!!!! They are an amazing tool for teaching hand-eye coordination, as they are soft, so kids don't fear getting hit with one. (I accidentally hit my 7 year old in the face with one and she just laughed and told me I am bad at frisbee. Learner catchers can often "accidentally catch" too, as the open weave helps it land on outstretched fingers, building confidence and skills.
Easily folded and stuffed into a pocket or backpack/purse, you can take your frisbee with you to the park. Scrunching it up won't damage it at all. Can be used by all ages.
Diameter is approx 20cm.
Colours may not be as bright as photo shows
Wash in warm water and line dry if needed.

Payment options

  • Cash on pick-up
  • Bank deposit

Shipping details

  • Ships from Whanganui , New Zealand.
  • $5.20 Tracked within NZ
    ($1.00 with another item)
  • Rural delivery charge applies.
    Pick up by arrangement.
  • If there is no suitable option for you listed above, to enquire about alternative payment or shipping options.

Listing #362071
Viewed 733 times

If a pattern makes me laugh or smile, it goes on the to-do list........ It's a big list!