Looking for that special someone to curl up and share those long cold nights with?

Someone to keep your feet warm in bed, cradle in your arms and warm the cockles of your heart?

Finding someone and falling in love is hard at the best of times.
But hold onto your hearts, there is a better way to find love than leaving it up to chance.

Real Hotties brings people and hot water bottles together in a cosy online atmosphere conducive to dating and building relationships that will last.

Upcycled from old woolen jumpers and discarded fabric, these handmade hot water bottle covers are charmingly unique and planet happy. That's enough to induce bouts of serious warm fuzzies in anyone.

Real Hotties are the brain child of maker and creator Gabby Smith, a Graphic Designer and casual crafter working and living in the city of Christchurch, New Zealand. Her mission is to warm the world, one heart at a time.

With a handsome selection of eligible bachelors and bachelorettes, you're sure to find a hottie who shares your interests and ignites a spark of attraction. Whether you're mad about dogs, an expressive salsa dancer, a connoisseur of Cajun cuisine, or passionate about green issues, we have you covered. Literally.

So many heartbreakers, so much warmth to give.
Boil the jug, it's time to get hot and heavy.

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