
My name is Leilani and I have loved all things crafty for as long as I can remember!

I began knitting when my hands were hardly big enough to hold the needles and have been sewing since I was a teenager and started making my own clothing. I am at my happiest when I am sitting in a huge mess of craft supplies of every kind and have an entire day ahead of me to create to my hearts content!

I am very happily married to my best friend and the best hubby in the world! We have been married for nearly two years now and I have never been happier than I am being housewife to the man I love!

I also love cooking and baking in any shape or form. I love doing crazy patchwork as well. My husband and I are from South Africa and arts and crafts are REALLY big over there. You can't go anywhere on a weekend without running into an amazing craft market with the most amazing handcrafted treasure to buy. Many people there make a living through arts and crafts so I suppose the crafty gene is in the blood.

I can't wait to be able to share some of my creations with you all!

Take Care