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100% soap free solid shampoo special offer!

Listing image #781631
1 bar of 55gm Neem and Nettle = should last about the same as 2-3 bottles of shampoo.
New to shop special!
Simply wet hands and rub over bar, then massage into scalp or rub bar directly into wet hair and lather- rinse well!
Follow up with conditioner if you normally do.

Have you wondered what all the fuss is about over solid shampoo bars.
I don't mean soap for your hair but a bar that is basically shampoo without the water. No sodium hydroxide (Lye) is used in these bars.
The main reason we have started to make these bars is to help you reduce waste. Each of these little bars should give you as many washes as 3 standard bottles of shampoo. said about a solid shampoo bars-
"By our calculations, if an average user gets 25 washes from a 250ml bottle, a bar should last at least 75. Statements like that turn heads at Consumer, so we started scrubbing – and got at least 80 washes (medium-length hair) from each bar.. ..That makes a pretty good argument for switching because not only could using a bar prevent three plastic bottles from ending up at the tip, it might also save you money, especially if you normally use a salon-only shampoo costing upwards of $30.
Shampoo bars look like soap – but if you’ve ever tried washing your hair with soap, or your body with shampoo, you’ll know they’re not exactly interchangeable. Soap is made with lye (sodium hydroxide) and is alkaline (often with a pH of 9 or 10), whereas shampoo is generally acidic (lower than 7), so before you shell out for a shampoo bar, check the ingredients list to make sure you’re not buying soap. "

***IT IS VITAL that the bar be stored in a dry location out of water to dry between uses. preferably on a soap rack***

While we endeavor to use natural sustainable ingredients in all our products this shampoo and conditioner range does have some man made ingredients of which we choose those that are plant based as much as possible.

Ingredients: From: Sodium Cocoyl Isethionate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate, DLS mild, Shea butter, coconut oil, BTMS-25,
sodium lactate, honeyquat, oat protien, provitamin B5, chamomile extract, pink clay, liquid germall plus, lavender essential oil,
vanilla fragrance oil.

Some explanations: Sodium Cocoyl Isethionate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate, are both derived from coconut or RSPO palm oil, BTMS of a derivative of Colza or Rapeseed oil, DSL Mild my supplier tells me is derived from vegetable oils, Sodium lactate is fermentation of a corn or beet sugar, honeyquat/honey, I think the rest is fairly self explanatory.

If you suffer from allergies - patch testing is recommended on initial use.

Payment options

  • Bank deposit
  • PayPal
  • Credit card via PayPal

Shipping details

  • Ships from Hamilton, New Zealand.
  • $4.00 Standard post within NZ
    ($1.00 with another item)
  • $5.00 Tracked within NZ
    ($1.00 with another item)
  • Rural delivery charge applies.
  • If there is no suitable option for you listed above, to enquire about alternative payment or shipping options.

Listing #434917
Viewed 450 times