Hi, I’m Cathy and welcome. I founded Tuahiwi Botanicals because I am passionate about growing herbs and using them in ways that enhance their healing properties.
I have always been interested in growing and using herbs and starting growing my first herb garden when I was a teenager. I completed an apprenticeship in herbal medicine and since then have been growing herbs for herbal teas and products.
I believe that the healing properties of herbs can only be harnessed by using herbs grown in the best conditions for each plant without using toxic chemicals. If you are using herbs for their medicinal benefits, then it is very important to know how and where the herbs were grown. My herbal teas and herbal products use only herbs that I have grown on my own property in Tuahiwi, North Canterbury, or wild crafted locally.
There is a growing body of evidence which shows that how a plant is grown is a crucial factor in the plants’ nutrient value. I prepare my soil with compost from plant material gathered on the property enriched with horse and pig manure and with green crops grown during the winter in the annual herb beds. My herbs are grown in these nutrient rich soils and their flowers and leaves are hand picked when they are at their peak. They are then naturally air dried and processed by hand into herbal teas and other herbal products.
Tuahiwi Botanicals is located about 15 minutes drive from Christchurch, New Zealand.
Follow me on facebook - www.facebook.com/Tuahiwibotanials