Harold (one of my teddy bears in the photo) was hand sewn together by me many years ago. This big bear sat calmly in my window entertaining the small children passing my window during lockdown. He was often spotted reading a book, wearing a face mask or playing a small guitar.
These days I use my mother's old sewing machine and some of her wool and knitting needles to make my products. Sustainability is always my goal! I work for the Sustainability Trust as a volunteer and have made and sold many of my handmade products in their Eco Shop including aprons, bags, slippers and door snakes. Unfortunately the Eco Shop has closed now.
I like to recycle and reuse fabrics and materials as much as possible. I prefer to work with natural materials where possible.
20% of my proceeds from my sales will go to the Wellington Curtain Bank as they have been the source of many of my materials.