Petite Bud Vase

Listing image #1054569
Listing image #1054570
Listing image #1054571
Listing image #1054572
It's a perfect little bud vase. Hand thrown on the wheel.
The glaze 'gecko' was named by a customer at a recent market. The combination of 2 colours makes a unique pattern, every piece is different.

Height: 100mm
Width at widest point: 80mm

Payment options

  • Bank deposit
  • PayPal
  • Credit card via PayPal

Shipping details

  • Ships from Island Bay, New Zealand.
  • $12.00 North Island Courier - NZ
    ($5.00 with another item)
  • $15.00 South Island Courier - NZ
    ($5.00 with another item)
  • Rural delivery charge applies.
    Pick up by arrangement.
  • If there is no suitable option for you listed above, to enquire about alternative payment or shipping options.

Listing #574176
Viewed 38 times