Flowers Linocut

Listing image #1048549
Listing image #1048550
This Is a linocut of flowers found in Aotearoa New Zealand gardens. I drew this onto the lino then carved my design before inking and printing it using my Intaglio Fine Art Printing Press. As the lino is inked by hand then rolled through the press each print is slightly different.

For my Flowers linocut I mixed Burnt Sienna and Victorian Red water based printmaking inks to create a lovely vermilion red/orange to create a limited edition of 6 in this colour way. I have used Fabriano fine art paper. The size of the linocut is 20.5cm high by 15cm wide and the size of the paper is 25cm high x 20cm wide making it easy to source a ready made frame.

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  • Bank deposit

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  • Ships from Christchurch, New Zealand.
  • $5.00 Tracked within NZ
    (Free with another item)
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Listing #571669
Viewed 40 times

Using my Etching Press I create art works on fine art paper - linocuts, dry-points and monotypes.