PDF Quilt Block Pattern Foundation Paper Pieced Heart

Listing image #993627
Listing image #993628
Listing image #993629
Listing image #993403
This listing is for a Foundation Paper Pieced (FPP) Pattern Heart block. These blocks can be used individually or mixed in any combinations to create unique and interesting pieces.

The foundation patterns come in 31x31cm (12 inch) and 15.5cm x 15.5cm (6 inch) size in coloured foundation template pieces. The PDF contains assembly instructions, coloured and numbered blocks as well as blank blocks for your own colour/fabric planning, and the block foundation pieces in two sizes. These are simple to sew, have been tested and contain no Y seams.

This pattern does not contain FPP sewing instructions, it is assumed that users already understand the basics of FPP sewing and quilting. Please contact us if you need any further assistance, we are happy to help where we can.

You will NOT receive anything via mail, I will NOT refund your money if you have purchased this listing expecting a physical item to be delivered.

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  • Bank deposit

Shipping details

  • Ships from New Plymouth , New Zealand.
  • Free Standard post within NZ
  • If there is no suitable option for you listed above, to enquire about alternative payment or shipping options.

Listing #545857
Viewed 293 times