Art Deco Rita Angus Upturned Cloche with Bauhaus Button

Listing image #574287
Listing image #574288
Listing image #574289
The Angus Rita Upturned Cloche with Bauhaus Button is inspired by Rita Angus, the famous New Zealand artist who is described as a pioneer in modern painting in New Zealand. Some of her most iconic works of art were painted from the 1930s onward.

Made of 100% black wool felt, the Rita Angus upturned cloche has a turned-up brim that is secured by a large red felt leaf and Bauhaus button to the side. The Bauhaus button is influenced by the Bauhaus design movement prevalent when Rita was starting her career as an artist. A black ribbon completes this jaunty hat.
The Rita Angus Upturned Cloche with Bauhaus Button is flattering to wear and has an internal band for comfort.

Sizes available for Rita Upturned Cloche: Small 55-56cm.

Payment options

  • Cash on pick-up
  • Bank deposit

Shipping details

  • Ships from Auckland, New Zealand.
  • $18.00 Standard post within NZ
  • $25.00 Rest of the World
  • Rural delivery charge applies.
    Pick up by arrangement.
  • If there is no suitable option for you listed above, to enquire about alternative payment or shipping options.

Listing #319822
Viewed 51 times

Fine hats for men and women, proudly hand made in New Zealand