Big Bunny's Goliath Snow Peas (Climbing)

Listing image #384791
Listing image #384829
Listing image #406370
A healthy, tall snow pea, “Goliath” can grow to over 150cm and has good resistance to powdery mildew.

The mange-tout pods have a juicy, sweet flavour wonderfully crisp and crunchy texture. They keep well in the fridge - if you have the willpower to resist scoffing them straight from the plant! Strings only develop when the pods are quite mature and even then are easily removed.

Snow peas are a great crop for small gardens as they provide you with more "bang for your buck" than podding peas.

Sow peas direct about 8cm apart and about 2-3 cm deep, in late winter/early spring. Peas are a “shoulder season” crop that don’t like the summer’s heat. They prefer partial sun and regular watering.

Once up, give the climbing plants a good framework to grip on to. To prolong the harvest keep picking those pods!

Contents: 25 peas

Buy more than one packet of seeds from Big Bunny and they'll all be shipped together for the same low shipping cost. PLEASE NOTE THAT FOR BIOSECURITY REASONS BIG BUNNY DOES NOT SHIP OUTSIDE NEW ZEALAND.

Big Bunny is saving more and more varieties of seeds from his garden every season, so keep an eye on his shop!

Payment options

  • Bank deposit
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  • Credit card via PayPal

Shipping details

  • Ships from Christchurch, New Zealand.
  • $5.20 Tracked within NZ
    (Free with another item)
  • Rural delivery charge applies.
  • If there is no suitable option for you listed above, to enquire about alternative payment or shipping options.

Listing #222168
Viewed 4689 times

Lovely, lively vege, flower and herb seeds grown with aroha and compost - nothing else added!